Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars With Home Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion is a process with which aluminum oxide or diamond particles are used to peel a very fine layer of dead cells from the face. This process can be done in a dermatologist's office, SPA or at home with a microdermabrasion kit. The most affordable and flexible option to get rid of acne scars is home microdermabrasion.

Microdermabrasion is effective for the removal of acne scars if the scarring is not deep but superficial. However, it has been said that deep scarring microdermabrasion when done professionally is helpful after many sessions. Although, even with superficial acne scarring the home microdermabrasion kit will eventually help the acne scars fade, but after many treatments.

One suggestion for the removal of acne scars with microdermabrasion is to have the first session with a dermatologist or a spa professional and then to continue the treatments at home by using a home microdermabrasion kit until the scars have faded completely.

The average home microdermabrasion kit comes with the necessary cream to use for the treatment. But, there are creams on the market that say they are specifically to be used with a home microdermabrasion kit. These creams claim they are closer to what a dermatologist or the spa professional would use.

To remove large scars see the dermatologist every week for about one to two months. You may have to have some light surgery to remove acne scar tissue and that would depend on how deep the acne scars are. You will need to apply a vitamin skin cream to help your skin heal. If you are responding to the treatment the dermatologist will use a higher setting to correct the deep skin scars.

After you have had professional treatment you can use a home microdermabrasion kit to clear your complexion. Look for a brand of machine that uses a massage tool. Also ask your doctor for a recommendation. You can use topical medication for collagen production together with the microdermabrasion. While you are being treated with microdermabrasion, you can use a cover up make up to hide the acne scars.
The treatment in the dermatologist's office or the SPA will only take about thirty minutes and can be done on your lunch hour. By removing the top layer of dead skin cells the treatment will even the texture of the skin where it is scarred from the acne or other blemishes that may have been left their from a bout of acne.

Microdermabrasion treatments will leave you feeling a little uncomfortable, sort of as if you had a wind burn to your face. This does not last and you will soon feel less uncomfortable and your skin will take on an improved tone and texture.

If you are bothered by your acne scars and you want to do something about them, then determine whether they are light, moderate or deep and take the appropriate action. Keep in mind that the deep acne scars will not fade with the use of a home microdermabrasion kit. For deep acne scars you will need professional help as we have noted above.

We can't all afford to go to the spa and many of us don't have time. As managing editor of, Audrey helps you achieve beautiful skin without breaking the bank using home remedies for acne.
visit us at: microdermabrasion products.

At Home Microdermabrasion For Stretch Marks

The microdermabrasion technique is being put to use for a lot of skin treatments. Today, many women are using at home microdermabrasion for stretch mark removal also. However, if you are contemplating on using microdermabrasion for stretch mark removal too, you need to know a few things about it before you start. The first thing you need to know is that the procedure varies here in comparison with its implementation for other skin problems.

Though the principle remains the same-we are speaking about the technique of microdermabrasion here-there is a lot of difference in the way the results are brought about.

To understand that, you need to first know how stretch signs are formed. During pregnancy, there are several hormonal imbalances within the woman's body. Some of these imbalances interfere with the production of collagen, the substance that keeps the skin taut and healthy. Due to that, the new skin that the woman gets during her pregnancy is much less elastic and flexible than her usual skin. This skin tears easily. When it does, the stretch signs appear.

So, how does microdermabrasion help in removing stint sign? Like with other microdermabrasion treatments, even here the technique is used to scrape off any skin cells that are not consistent with the remaining skin surface. The procedure is done till the stint signs level with the rest of the skin surface. As a result, they become much less visible, almost to the point of not being noticed.

Now, here is where the difference lies. All the other areas where at home microdermabrasion is used-such as acne treatments, scar treatments and such-are used to remove the skin cells that are above the usual skin surface. However, with stretch mark removal, the motive is to remove a blemish that is sunken within the skin, i.e. below the usual skin surface.

Is microdermabrasion capable to remove that effectively? The answer is yes. The way it works is by removing the ridges that exist on both sides of the stretch mark. If you imagine the stretch mark as a valley, the abrasion procedure used here is to tone down the entire valley so that the whole region comes to the same level. That's what is done with the stretch mark. When the ridges come to the same level as the deepest point of the stretch mark-the fissure-the entire mark becomes unnoticeable.

You can safely use at home microdermabrasion for stretch marks and see good results too. However, make sure you learn the technique properly before using it on yourself.

In search of the best ways to save money and give your skin the best at home? As managing editor of, Audrey helps you achieve beautiful skin sharing information on the best home microdermabrasion treatment.

At Home Chemical Peels

Nowadays, people are very much aware of the different arrays of skin protection products that come handy and easy to use. This, probably, is the answer to the sensitivity of the beauty industries to know that beauty conscious people are looking for simple ways of improving their skin without going through invasive surgical process. One particular product that is most sought nowadays due to its amazing result is the chemical peels. What makes this chemical peels more in demand now is largely because there are certain products of this kind that are now available and can be used right in the comforts of your home. Although there is now a variety of chemical peel products offered over the counter and online, it is still imperative to consult a medical authority to look and evaluate your skin and be able to know what it needs for a change in appearance.

Chemical peels are one skin treatment technique used to improve and soften the texture of the facial skin using a chemical solution that causes the dead skin to slough off and ultimately peel off. The regenerated skin is usually smoother and less wrinkled.

Acne can often leave superficial holes, marks or scars on the skin although mild acne scars will often go away on its own. If you have acne scars, one of the ways that you can remove them is through a chemical peel. It is important to pick the right kind of chemical peel just for safety precautions. However, there are some chemical peels that are safe to be used and done at home.

Selecting a chemical peel for the removal of acne scars, especially the ones that you will use in the privacy of your home, depends on a couple of different factors such as how bad your scars are and how much money you are willing to spend. In any case, facial peels have proven to be an effective tool in combating acne scars.

Facial peels work through the use of chemicals applied to the skin that burn off the top layers of skin thereby exposing new layers of fresher and radiant-looking appearance. Common types of chemical peels that can be used at home include Lactic Acids which are good for hyper pigmentation problems. Glycolic Acid is good for normal to oily skin types. Pumpkin Exfoliating Masque with glycolic Acid, two combinations that works to refine texture and brighten skin tones. Salicylic Acid is perfect for oily, acne-prone skin that needs deep pore cleansing and loosening of blackheads.

Trichloreacetic Acid, a deeper peeling class of acids used for acne, lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and scarring. Non Acid Enzyme Peel, an all natural enzymes from papaya (papain) and pineapple (bromelain) that carefully dissolves surface skin fragments leaving skin feeling soft, cleansed and revitalized and the Revitalization Peel (Jessner's Type) which is a drying peel best suited for oily, acne-prone skin types; containing both alpha and beta hydroxies along with resorcinol.

In search of the best ways to save money and give your skin the best at home? As managing editor of, Audrey helps you achieve beautiful skin sharing information on the best home microdermabrasion treatment.

Cheap at Home Microdermabrasion

With most of the big industries specializing in beauty and skin care products, coming up with different brands that could be easily done right at your very home has gone up. Hence, the beauty industries devised some marketing strategies in order to maintain the selling continuity of their products.

Coming up with microdermabrasion products and items that could be applied at home and making it available to beauty-product lovers at an affordable price have been the target of most industries. Home microdermabrasion has never come so trouble-free and simple.

Artemis Woman Home Microdermabrasion

The Artemis Woman Home Microdermabrasion method carefully and effectively clears away dull skin cells, diminishes the manifestation of fine lines and wrinkles, and cleanses pores to reveal dirt free, fresh, radiant skin. This product can be safely used easily right from your home.

For a regular price of $29.82, enjoy a luxurious home microdermabrasion with natural healing gem facial scrub that would surely enhance your beauty without leaving your residence. This product comes with a handheld battery-operated microdermabrasion unit which is 2AA battery-operated. Just take note that the batteries don't come free when buying this product. You have to purchase it separately.

Also included with the handheld battery-operated facial scrubbing device are brush attachment intended for gentle exfoliation, sponge attachment for sensitive skin, massaging attachment to relieve facial tension, large pore cleaner, small pore cleaner and a 2.5 ounce bottle of clear Quartz Facial Scrub.

Artemis Woman Healing Gems Home Microdermabrasion

Artemis products are known to support the use of alternative medicines by using earthly minerals for spa-like treatment and healing. This product which is listed at a regular price of $29.99 will surely give you a radiant skin. At this price, you will not only enjoy having the spa feeling right from your very home but you also get the benefits of its package.

This healing gem fills the skin with pure essential oils while it is soothingly exfoliated with the fine granules of quartz and natural sugar crystals. Included in this product are the microdermabrasion exfoliating sponges, facial massager, brush attachments, a 2.5 ounce of healing crystal facial scrub jar and a large and small pore cleansers.

DermaFresh Home Microderm Abrasion Kit

This product comes so cheap that it is at only around $8.00 a kit, you will definitely get an amazing result of healthier, younger-looking skin without going through the process of appointments, travelling to spa houses and being run by chemicals and whatever laser devices your skin will experience.

Doing your spa treatment right from your very house gives you the secured feeling of pampering your skin using this DermaFresh Microderm Abrasion System. In just few minutes a day of ritual using this product, you can obtain refined skin. It will exfoliate and polish your skin, decrease fine lines and wrinkles, reduce pore size, and treat sun damaged skin using the product that contains grape seed extracts.

Easy beauty gadgets included in this very cheap wonder kit are DermaFresh wand, interchangeable exfoliating heads, lotion, instruction guide and, yes, a 30 day money back guarantee.

NeoStrata At-Home Microdermabrasion System

Surely everyone has their own scheduled beauty rituals done so routinely, but having NeoStrata included in your daily skin care treatment, you will the full benefit this product as it is infused antioxidants and micro crystals that would even out skin imperfection producing a glowing and fresh-looking skin.

This Neostrata At-Home Microdermabrasion System comes equipped with uncomplicated easy-to-do procedure. At $53.00, you get 10 treatments using this product.

Every woman wants to look and feel her best. As managing editor of, Audrey helps you achieve beautiful skin using a microdermabrasion home system.
Visit us at: home microdermabrasion kits.

Is the Best Home Microdermabrasion Machine For Me?

Is a Home Microdermabrasion Machine a Good Idea?

Before evaluating the worth of a home microdermabrasion machine, it is essential to see why there is the need for such a machine in the first place. We already have microdermabrasion kits, which are certainly very convenient and much cheaper than the machine. In what ways, then, is a machine better than the kit? Microdermabrasion is essentially a "sanding" process where the outer layers of the skin are removed to expose the inner fresher layer. Both the kits and the machines do the same thing, but they are principally different.

The kits rely heavily on creams that have crystals of a hard substance such as corundum in them. When the creams are applied on the skin, these crystals scrape off the outer skin cells. The machines, on the other hand, may or may not use crystals. The ones that use crystals are usually found in dermatologists' clinics. They precisely and very momentarily bring the crystals in contact with the skin and abrade it. The other kind of machines-the ones with a diamond wand-are more popular for home use. These don't have any crystals but they have a diamond tip which scrapes the skin cells off. This wand needs to be moved over the skin so that the procedure might take place.

So, why is a home microdermabrasion machine better than the kits? Most experts are of the opinion that the crystals used in the creams may, after all, have some side effects in the long run. Additionally, some people may be allergic to these creams. However, the machines don't use crystals and even if they do the contact is quite momentary. There's also the point of convenience and quickness. Even the best home microdermabrasion kit will need elaborate work and, despite that, the treatment may not turn out perfect. With a home microdermabrasion machine, there is precision and the treatment doesn't take more than a few minutes a day. However, there is the cost factor to think of. Not all people can afford a home microdermabrasion machine yet and since they are quite comfortable with the kits, both kinds of products exist in this niche market.

Every woman wants to look and feel her best. As managing editor of, Audrey helps you achieve beautiful skin using a microdermabrasion home system.
Visit us at: home microdermabrasion kits.

Timepeel - Take Off That Unwanted Dead Skin Through Timepeel

Timepeel speeds up the body's normal cycle of shedding dead skin cells as it fuels the manufacture of these two essential proteins. Skin becomes younger and healthier looking when these two proteins are created at a rapid pace. How does Timepeel work?

The human body naturally gets rid of the external most stratum of the epidermis that contains dead skin cells about every month. As our body discards this layer, the dermis repairs itself by developing two fundamental proteins, collagen and elastin. The amount produced is reliant upon age and the situation of the skin.

Timepeel is a new microdermabrasion procedure that exfoliates and gently re-materializes the skin, promoting the development of fresh, smoother, and clearer skin. It uses a non-invasive system with natural diamonds located on the tip to naturally scrub your skin. Timepeel is harmless, fast and trouble-free treatment. By eradicating the spoiled top layer of the skin with the Timepeel treatment, it can exactly help unwrap the natural beauty of your skin as it gets rid of fine lines and wrinkles, age spots, sun damaged skin, enlarge pores, blemishes, blackheads and whiteheads, hyper pigmentations and acne scars.

This treatment eventually provides an effect of deleting some numbers of your age as it externally restores the skin revealing a much younger and fresher you. It is however recommended that Timepeel treatment be done on a regular basis especially with other product to attain the much desired radiant-looking skin. Timepeel wand makes use of a natural solid and robust diamond tip to remove dead skin and removes blemishes on the surface without risks. The natural diamond tip does not gyrate or swivel. It is simply moved across the face to exfoliate the top layer of skin.

The natural diamond tip removes dead skin in a highly controlled and accurate mode. As it exfoliates the skin, the vacuum of the tip activates the blood flow and cleanses the pores thus promoting the formation of collagen that firm and tone the epidermis. When dead skin cells are removed, fresh skin is revealed. Once the treatment is done, you could see dead skin cells dumped on a small filter of the device.

Your Timepeel treatment product usually comes inclusive with a Timepeel machine with an attached (or attachable) natural diamond tip, 100 filters, a cleaning brush, a soothing tonic, 30 tonic pads and product manual with complete guide of the device for easy, safe and painless treatment done in the comfort and privacy of your home.

We can't all afford to go to the spa and many of us don't have time. As managing editor of, Audrey helps you achieve beautiful skin without breaking the bank using an at home microdermabrasion system.
Visit us at: microdermabrasion products.

Youthful Essence Reviews

As many people have been seeking out different kinds and types of beauty and health products with the promise of enhancing their skin, more and more products are tested by a diverse number of consumers, hence, it is very possible and likely that products tested and used will receive different reactions in terms of its potency, effectiveness and strength.

One such product that has received many reviews from practically different sectors of the society is the Youthful Essence. The standard belief claimed by Youthful Essence line of skin care products is that it will reproduce the microdermabrasion treatments that you might get at a high-end spa done in the privacy of your home.

When you purchase Youthful Essence, you get a vitamin enriched resurfacing cream and a sponge applicator that is used to evenly apply the Youthful Essence cream to your face. The entire Youthful Essence treatment is designed to vigorously scrub away the layer of dead skin on your face, revealing a fresh new layer and also stimulating it.

The Aluminum Oxide crystals of the Youthful Essence skin treatment are formulated from the natural and common element aluminum but the cream itself is only one part of the treatment. The full Youthful Essence microdermabrasion kit also comes with a resurfacing tool, which is a small vibrating scrubber that works the cream into your skin. After applying the cream with the applicator sponge, you have to use medium pressure with the resurfacing tool to work the crystals into your skin.

Some people have reported that they buy these systems and find it difficult to find time to complete the whole procedure while some reported that they found the abrasive part of this system too harsh for their skin. For first time users, the application process can be confusing and difficult, especially if you are doing it all by yourself. If you've ever gotten a spa microdermabrasion treatment, it is expected that your face will be red and sensitive for hours or even a full day following the treatment. The same can be true with the use of Youthful Essence, and it may not be a good skin care treatment for you if you have highly sensitive skin. There are other reports stating that the tool is quite fragile and breaks easily, rendering the whole skin care system ineffective.

The good side of the reviews contend that official website of Youthful Essence gives a 60 days money back guarantee and a choice of free gift at checkout and the products are conceivably for home use. The bad sides however are an array of reactions such as irritation felt of a sensitive skin, a claim that the product does not contain any ingredient that would stimulate the skin to produce more collagen, the natural anti-aging compound found in our skin.

Application can be extremely difficult, too much artificial colors and the face appears to be raw and reddish in the first 24 hours of application and is rather time consuming. If you are into microdermabrasions and especially craving to have an experience having treatments in a spa, high-end or just tolerably better health establishment, buying Youthful Essence would surely give you a first-hand experience for such, with, of course, the usual microdermabrasion results you intend to see from your face.

We can't all afford to go to the spa and many of us don't have time. As managing editor of, Audrey helps you achieve beautiful skin without breaking the bank using an at home microdermabrasion system.
visit us at: microdermabrasion products.

Top 10 at Home Microdermabrasion Products

Looking for products that are easy on your pocket and yet it will provide you with an enhanced skin tone, fresh-looking face and smoother appearance done right at the comfort of your home?

The lists are long and confusing but if you have your daily beauty regimen done religiously; you may consider using some products that would maximize the benefits of your routine beauty ritual, thus, creating a lovelier you.

Here is a list of Top 10 microdermabrasion products that could be obtain from either in the local market or through online purchase...and, of course, use and apply at home.

Crystalift Skin Resurfacing Vacuum Microdermabrasion Therapy Anti Aging Skin Care System

With the introduction of this product, you have to start getting rid of outmoded and old fashioned skin care line and experience the marvel of what this beauty creation will give your skin in less than 10 minutes! This product provides you the maximum benefit of a unique dual action process of crystal microdermabrasion and vacuum lift therapy that will result to a reduction of pore size, wrinkles and fine lines allowing a radiant-looking skin. It has crystal capsules that come individually sealed, a wand that works wonder when it comes into contact with your skin, the crystal and vacuum-lift process is activated energizing the dual-action development. The matchless Dual-Action process lightly drives away old, dead and damaged skin cells permitting a newer, fresher skin cells to come out leaving you with a hale and hearty, radiantly glowing skin. This product comes with an online introductory price of $199.00

Dr. Brandt Microdermabrasion

Looking for a do-it-yourself skin care product with an expected result of polishing and reviving dull skin, removing dead skin cells and revealing smooth and soft radiant-looking skin texture? At $40.00, you can have Dr. Brandt Microdermabrasion which comes with an exfoliating face cream invented with top-grade crystals, lactic acid and relaxing botanicals that will surely reveal a younger-looking you. This product comes with a glycolic 10% exfoliating acid which is safe to use for daily exfoliation revealing a truly rejuvenated skin.

Miracle Peel Microdermabrasion Cloth

For $14.00, you get wet wipes that clears away acne. They are very simple and easy to use wipes that solves and resolves acne and skin blemishes that can be used anywhere, everywhere. No wonder more than 11,000 positive feedbacks have been received for this product. So, busy with your schedules and no time to maintain beauty rituals? This product is the answer. Try it!

Garnier Skin Microdermabrasion Exfoliator Moisturizer

Tagged at $15.99, this 2 piece kit includes a polishing exfoliator that comes in a 2 fl. Oz tube and a regenerating moisturizer with SPF 15 in a tube of 1.7 fl. Oz. As easy as applying it like you usually do with your face putting a moisturizer, this product will give you the benefit of an even tone and smoother skin done in a flash! Just make sure to read the literature of the product before commencing the regimen.

StarLite Laser Skin Rejuvenation

This product comes with a laser gadget easily operated at a lower power which is safe to use at home. You will get this product in a small box with a capacity of giving microdermabrasion treatment as well as softening and rejuvenating treatments. The StarLite Laser emits a red spectrum light energy responsible in renewing and stimulating cellular processes. Continued use of this StarLite Laser dramatically results into a refreshed and revitalized skin. It is portable; it can be used regularly on face, neck, arms and legs, its advance technology laser-type device makes it easy to use anywhere you are and you can do it in few minutes only. Yours for $164.00.

Green Herbs

You have a problem with pigmentation, fine lines, sun exposed skin, dull and rough skin, enlarge pores, oily, and a feeling of congested skin? Go get Green Herbs product for a regular listed price of $69.95 and apply it. In about 4 to 5 days, you get a brand new skin. Try! You'll see!

Rhonda Allison Milk Mask

This is a perfect product for post treatment since milk, apart from the nutrient value it is known for, is has a very positive effect on traumatized skin and supports the wound repair process. Milk mask is relaxing, hydrating and nourishing.An easy to use, do-it-yourself instruction makes this product one of the most sought skin care treatment items. The product is available online and could be purchased with great value when sold with other microdermabrasion products. Price ranges from $99.99 to $299.99

Dr. Michel Copeland Microdermabrasion Formula

This hot product has a blend of microdermabrasion crystals with the very popular alpha hydroxy acid content and antioxidants that will provide you with the potent and most efficient home treatment for skin. This exfoliating product comes with an aloe substance for soothing effect. Use it on clean face, arms, legs or any part of your body, gently massage and rinse with water afterward. Presto! For $42.00, you have a smooth and radiant-looking fresh skin.

The Obagi Condition & Enhance System

Obagi Skin Care Lines are known to have positive effects on skin. This made it very popular especially to celebrities all over the world. Though a bit pricey, this Obagi Condition & Enhancement System will surely promote and maintain the overall health of your skin by improving skin clarity due to constant exposure to sun, redness, hyperpigmentation and dryness of skin. It also reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles thereby achieving improved skin tone. At $418.00, this product comes with foaming gel, toner, exfoderm forte, 2-clear (Step 3), blender (step 5), and a healthy skin protection cream in a 3 oz tube. It is however recommended that tretinoin with either 0.05% or 0.1% strength be used along with the blender especially at night in order to normalize cellular turnover.

ZO Skin Health Effects Exfoliating Polish

This is an At-Home Microdermabrasion product that contains round magnesium crystals that help remove dead skin cells and sebum, minimizes skin irritation and permits a clearer, smoother, more even-toned complexion. It also contains vitamins A, C and E providing an extra strength antioxidant protection as well as assisting collagen production. This product is popularly available and best purchased online. Listed price for this product constantly fluctuates due to the demand. If interested, go surf the net and look for this product.

We can't all afford to go to the spa and many of us don't have time. As managing editor of, Audrey helps you achieve beautiful skin without breaking the bank using an at home microdermabrasion system.
visit us at: microdermabrasion products.